ARB generates profits by implementing environmental solutions to unwind the devastating consequences of waste accumulation and resource depletion. Its successful implementation creates profit centers for each locality that hosts a system.
Local communities prosper in a number of important ways:
First, hosting locations partner with ARB, so half the profits from the enterprise go to the local economy,
Second, the creation of well-paying jobs will benefit the local economy.
Third, ARB systems extract pollutants and transform waste into resources, providing immediate local environmental benefits.
Fourth, Elemental Char™ being produced can be utilized to mitigate water and land problems in the local environs.
Fifth, reduction of pollutants and waste improves health.
For ARB, social responsibility is essential to its mission. Stewardship and responsibility are crucial to ARB's win-win-win, triple bottom line platform and ensures that it meets the legal designation as a Benefit Corporation.
ARB fulfills nearly all the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations.