Advanced Resilient Biocarbon LLC (ARB) is an affiliate of ART (Advanced Resilient Technology Limited) an international technology development company headquartered in the Isle of Man. Each installation of ARB licensed technology is an independent joint venture with a local company close to where biomass is collected. The partnership with a local company supports the local economy by providing well-paying jobs and reduces the need for biomass transportation. ARB projects deliver resilient solutions that thermally convert biomass (nontoxic organic waste) and other waste streams into valuable resources. ARB outputs renewed materials to serve as the basis for a wide variety of products, including health related formulas for humans and animals, carbon-sequestering building materials, and formulations for environmental restoration, among others.
ARB is made up of an international team of experts in innovation, from disciplines including chemistry; plasma science; environmental, chemical, mechanical, and automotive engineering; industrial fabrication; venture development; systems analysis; and business management. Our knowledge and skills position us as one of the leading companies in the biomass sector.
Basics of Waste Conversion
Sustainable Business
Ecological Benefits
Economic Benefits
Triple Bottom Line
ARB's BioArt Solution